Kris Kringle: The Musical tells the heartwarming untold story of the young Mr. Kringle. This
captivating new holiday musical, originally narrated in performance by the legendary Tony Award nominee Cathy Rigby , is a magical journey from the top of the world in the North Pole to the heart of what Christmas is truly about: hope, family and forgiveness.
The full cast includes Andrew Keenan-Bolger (Newsies ) as Kris Kringle, Nikki Renee Daniels (The Book of Mormon ) as Evelyn Noel, Gregory Violand (Carol) as Santa Clause, Kim Crosby (Into the Woods ) as Mrs. Claus, Erick Devine (Seussical ) as Roy G. Reedy, Janine La Manna (Seussical ) as Ms. Horn, Mary Stout (Beauty and the Beast ) as Grandma Kringle, Gabrielle McClinton (Chicago ) as Tinselle Splade, Nick Varicchio as Elmer, Matt Densky as Sky Banner and Jackie Nyugen as Garland Pie.
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